Peli 1200 and 1300 Panel Frame for mouning buttons, manipulators
Peli 1200 and 1300 Panel Frame for mouning buttons, manipulators
Jednotka SKU:1200-300-110E
Peli 1200PF Panel Frame Kit – Perfect Solution for Seamless Electronics Integration
Peli™ 1200PF Panel Frame Kit – The Ideal Choice for Custom Electronics Integration
Upgrade your Peli™ 1200EU and 1300EU Protector Cases with the versatile 1200PF Panel Frame Kit, meticulously designed for a seamless electronic setup. It allows interface panels to be installed flush with the case rim, ensuring top-notch protection while keeping your devices easily accessible.
Key Product Features
The Peli™ 1200PF Kit includes a robust polymer o-ring that provides a reliable watertight seal, preserving your case’s integrity even with the lid open. The kit comes complete with all essential components for straightforward installation: a durable mounting bracket, fasteners, and the dependable o-ring, ensuring comprehensive protection for your electronics in any environment.
Technické údaje
Technické údaje
Technical Specifications
Frame Material: High-strength polymer for durability
O-ring Material: Polymer, ensuring a watertight seal
Included Hardware:
1 Panel Frame
1 O-ring
10 Brass Inserts
4 Self-tapping Screws
Adhesive Package (if needed)
Compatibility: Exclusively designed for the 1200EU and 1300EU Protector Case
Možné využitie
Možné využitie
Custom Electronics Integration: Perfect for securely installing customer-supplied panels, creating a stable interface for sensitive electronics or field communication systems.
Rugged Environment Protection: The watertight seal offers exceptional protection against harsh conditions, maintaining reliability and durability for your equipment.
Efficient Field Operations: Facilitates quick access to electronics while retaining the protective features of the case, ideal for professionals on the move.
Choose the Peli™ 1200PF Panel Frame Kit to enhance the versatility and functionality of your 1200EU and 1300EU Protector Case, offering a tailor-made solution for custom applications and seamless electronics integration.
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