Peli 1650 Padded Divider Set - Red Gear Organizer
Peli 1650 Padded Divider Set - Red Gear Organizer
Jednotka SKU:IN1650
The red Divider Set from A-MoDe is expertly crafted to fit the Peli 1650 case, providing an ideal solution for organizing and safeguarding your valuable gear. Built from durable 230T waterproof nylon, this divider set is made to endure the rigors of travel and heavy use. With a 15mm layer of EPE and EVA padding, each divider is designed to protect your equipment from impact and abrasion, ensuring that sensitive items stay secure and damage-free. Customization is effortless, thanks to the adjustable Hook & Loop dividers, allowing you to tailor the layout to accommodate various gear setups. This set includes three long dividers, twelve medium dividers, eight short dividers, and six elastic webbings for added stability, making it ideal for both everyday use and long-distance journeys.
Technické údaje
Technické údaje
Technical Specifications:
Material: 230T Waterproof Nylon exterior, 15mm EPE & EVA padding
Divider Color: Red
Divider Setup: 3 long dividers, 12 medium dividers, 8 short dividers, plus 6 black elastic webbings
Exterior Dimensions: 72.49 x 43.99 x 22.48 cm (28.54 x 17.32 x 8.85 inches)
Weight: 1.2 kg (2.6 lbs)
General Information:
Interior Type: Adjustable Dividers with Hook & Loop attachment
Fits: Peli 1650 Case (case not included, lid convoluted foam not included)
Warranty: 1-Year Manufacturer Warranty
Možné využitie
Možné využitie
Unleash the enchantment of organization with the A-MoDe Divider Set for the Peli Air 1650! Crafted from premium materials, its sturdy padding gently embraces your cherished belongings—cameras, lenses, drones, and treasured electronics. Whether you’re a seasoned expert or a passionate beginner, this adaptable divider set seamlessly conforms to your storage requirements.
Suggested Applications:
Defend your photography gear (cameras, lenses, drones)
Protect delicate optical wonders
Organize compact tools and gadgets
Transport your equipment with added shock protection.

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